I own the Weber iGrill2 and to be honest (it’s hard to tell the truth) as a Weber fan but ….
the fu….. iGrill2 is just shit. Connection is lost after 12m (sometimes even 5m), and the Bluetooth connection is lost (the only fix is turning it off and removing the batteries. This happens during almost every BBQ session.
I honestly think the iGrill2 is the most worse BBQ thermometer on the market! Don’t buy!!
Sorry WEBER.

The last long job on my WSM was the point where I was forced to switch to my Maverick ET-732.
Unfortunately the ET-732 has only two probes so I also decided to go for the “new” Maverick XR-50.
Finally I got the XR-50 as a birthday gift from my wife.

First of all it’s just a dream of a thermometer. 500ft range !! I measured 183m before I had the first signal loss. It has a super clear display. Very easy to set up all necessary values. Rain proof, Water proof probes. 4 probes included. Back lit display.
Over all a very, very good surface feel and a high quality apperance.

The only thing is I have a slight scratch on the display on the receiver out of the box. But mine came from Australia so I will not send it back.

The first real test scenario was a bacon bomb. Together with my trusty slow&sear it made a good job.

Here are some impressions.

1 thought on “New BBQ piece of kit – MAVERICK XR-50

  1. Ist ja Schade. Weber sollte doch in der Lage sein ein vernünftiges Thermometer zu liefern. Das hier bringt einen erheblichen Image Schaden mit sich.

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