
Some days ago my wife found an Weber Brownie 18.5″ for a relatively fair price. It’s not in the best conditions but that’s exactly what I want to have to cook on it..
Believe it or not I have several „Weber Brownies“ but I never cooked on one of them.

Ok I got it and according to the WKC-Club motto R-R-R (Rescue-Restore-Respect) I restored it.
The new ash pan was a gift of my friend and colleague Eric. (THX Eric)

Here are some impressions:

2 thoughts on “New addition – Brownie 18.5″

    1. Hi Patrick,
      Thanks for your comment.
      I like to order spare parts at https://www.derhobbykoch.de
      or with the part number at any shop selling Weber.
      For figuring out the part numbers you can call Weber or visit the Weber homepage and check out the schematics.
      Keep in mind that old parts my no longer be available (older then 10 years).


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