
If you like ribs you gonna like this, too. It’s a pork shoulder cut into even pieces prepared in the same way how you would prepare your ribs.
I covered the meat all over with my famous self-made Magic Dust rub and let it sit in the fridge over night.
For the 6h on the summit, this time I used „proFagus Grillis“. I used around 90 briquettes in total. The amount of dirty smoke whilst lighting this briquettes was extrem and I was really afraid to proceed with this setup. The smoke did finally clear however so I could put on meat.
The „Grillis“ did a great job overall. Very constant burning and relatively less ash.

The Summit Charcoal has an impressive low fuel consumption and was able to hold the temp at 110°C(230°F) for the 6h with no problems. There was never a need to readjust the vents even with the outside temp of -3°C (26.5°F) and snow.

Here are some impressions:

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